James Henry Healy, 1868-1960, celebrating his birthday with some of his grandchildren gathered around him, ca. 1949, Mahtomedi, Minnesota.
Children of John George Huntley Malcolm, updated
(13 February 2023)
Janet May Malcolm Dearlove Stockdale, daughter of Huntley Malcolm
(14 Feb 2023)
Marion Ethel Malcolm McKenzie, daughter of Huntley Malcolm
(13 February 2023)
George Lawrence Malcolm, son of Huntley Malcolm
(13 February 2023)
Gerald Hope Miller - updated page
(5 January 2023)
Bernard West Miller family gravestone, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(3 January 2023)
Gravestones of Frances "Fanny" Frodsham Miller, Rev. Frederick Charles Miller and Helen Miller, Hollywood Cemetery, Los Angeles, California
(1 January 2023)
Gravestones of Francis Benjamin Miller, his son William Joseph and daughter Ruby Blanche, St. James Anglican Cemetery, Solsgirth, Manitoba, Canada
(30 December 2022)
Ancestor tree for Rhoda Darby, 1774-1836, daughter of Nathan Darby and Abigail Peirce/Pierce
(18 August 2022)
Marriage bond of David Coal/Cole, possible brother of Margaret Cole Aldridge of North Carolina and Kentucky
(26 July 2022)
Charles White, father of Jane White Aldridge: Inventory, appraisal and sale of estate, Montgomery County, Kentucky, 1822-23
(24 July 2022)
More Aldridge tombstones, Pioneer Cemetery, Watsonville, California
(17 July 2022)
Letters written by Franklin A. Adridge and his wife Anna to their niece Eliza Ann Whitted Bass, daughter of Franklin's sister Caroline Aldridge Whitted
(16 July 2022)
Children of James Henry Healy, 1868-1960, and Lucy Gertrude Miller, 1986-1972
(15 April 2022)
Addition to the Children of Patrick Healy and Mary Hope webpage for
Katherine Kathleen "Kate" Healy Cummings, from A History of the Hope and Healy Families of County Mayo Ireland...
(13 April 2022)
The Gonzalez family of Pensacola - Manuel Gonzalez, of Spain and Pensacola, and his wife, Marie Louise Bonifay
(10 April 2022)
Extract of a letter written by Daniel Carroll II to Mr. James Carroll of Ireland, 20 Dec 1762, in which he gives information about his family
(6 October 2021)
Photos of John "Jack" Shuttleworth and David Dobbs Shuttleworth added
(5 September 2021)
Gravestone inscription for Maria Josefa Martinez, d.1823, Pensacola, Florida, first wife of Dr. John Brosnaham
(14 August 2021)
Marriage Certificate: Edward Howard Miller, 1883-1933, and Annie Mary Hazelhurst, abt 1892-1941, Barberton, Transvaal, South Africa, 1907
(24 July 2021)
Family tree of the ancestors of Francis Celestino Brent and Mary Ella Shuttleworth
(17 April 2021)
Military Service of Thomas William Brent, 1808-1875
(14 March 2021)
Millers & Thompson, Liverpool shipbrokers William Charles Miller and others, owners of the Golden Line of Packets going from England to Australia during the Australian Gold Rush
(16 Feb 2021)
Probate papers of Jarvis Pierce Jr., 1800-1880, Saline County, Illinois, 1866
(12 August 2020)
Divorce papers of Jarvis Pierce Jr., 1800-1880, and Elewesa A.R. (Gatewood)Pierce, Saline County, Illinois, 1866
(12 August 2020)
The Conant family of Massachusetts, ancestors of Rhoda Darby Peirce
(13 July 2020)
The Darby family of Massachusetts, ancestors of Rhoda Darby Peirce
(10 July 2020)
David Comee, d.1676, of Scotland and Concord, Massachusetts, ancestor of Rhoda Darby Peirce
(7 July 2020
Letters to and from William Brent, 1775-1848 concerning
the position of personal secretary to President Thomas Jefferson
(8 June 2020)
The Brent family cemetery at the Woodstock Plantation, Virginia, mid-1600s and later
(6 June 2020)
Capt. Andrew Wallace Johnson, 1826-1887, son of Dr. Richmond Johnson and grandson of Thomas Johnson Jr.
(22 May 2020)
Dr. Richmond Johnson, 1791-1874, son of Thomas Johnson Jr.
(22 May 2020)
Thomas Johnson Jr.'s home and the first post office in the City of Washington
(22 May 2020)
Thomas Johnson Jr., 1753-1795, father of Catherine Walker Johnson Brent, wife of Col. William Brent
(22 May 2020)
Francis Benjamin Miller family photo, 1892, Solsgirth, Manitoba, Canada
(26 April 2020)
Gerald Hope Miller, 1881-1973, son of Francis Benjamin Miller
(25 April 2020)
Donovan Miller, 1919-1997, son of Bernard West Miller, grandson of Francis Benjamin Miller
(25 April 2020)
Searching for the parents of Marie Songy dit Languedoc, wife of Pierre Jardelat of the Arkansas Post
(15 Feb 2020)
Ysabel Pichol Dauphin, also known as Elizabeth Pugeau and Elisabeta Pigeol in French and Spanish Louisiana in the 1700s; she was married to Jacques Langliche, Pierre Lafond and Francisco Dauphin
(25 Jan 2020)
Francesca Dauphin Sierra's relinquishment of her dower rights, Escambia County, Florida, 1830
(13 Jan 2020)
The Dauphin family prayer book
(12 Jan 2020)
The Dauphin family of France and Pensacola, Florida
(12 Jan 2020)
Ethel May Malcolm Elrington, 1867-1946, daughter of Emily and George Malcolm
(30 November 2019)
Emily Malcolm Addis, 1860-1941, daughter of Col. George Malcolm and Emily Francis Miller
(25 November 2019)
The Malcolm family home - "The Cairn" - near Birtle, Manitoba, Canada
(24 November 2019)
More photographs of the Huntley Malcolm family, Birtle, Manitoba, Canada
(15 November 2019)
Photograph of the Huntley Malcolm family, Birtle, Manitoba, Canada, 1899
(14 November 2019)
Huntley Malcolm, 1865-1930, son of Col. George and Emily Miller Malcolm, update
(14 November 2019)
Colonel George Malcolm, 1836-1903, husband of Emily Frances Miller, 1836-1898, daughter of Joseph Dundas Miller
(9 November 2019)
William Charles Miller's passport to travel in Brazil, 1814
(18 November 2018)
The Illidge family of Nantwich, Cheshire, England
(4 October 2018)
Marriage bond, 1792: Charles White and Nancy Harper, Bourbon County, Kentucky, parents of Jane White
(5 August 2018)
Edward Howard Miller, 1883-1933, son of Charles Edward and Annie Bayley Miller: biographical sketch
(3 August 2018)
Marriage record: Pablo Graupera & Marguerite Jardelat, 1799, New Orleans
(13 July 2018)
The Seymour family of Bermuda
(18 June 2018)
Genevieve Anna Brent Turtle, 1889-1974: biographical sketch
(6 Apr 2018)
Genevieve Brent Turtle, 1889-1974: obituary
(5 Apr 2018)
Notice of an upcoming trip to his native land, Ireland, by Andrew Brosnaham of Catskill, New York, 1797
(17 Dec 2017)
Resolutions, on the Death of William Brent, at the Circuit and Criminal Courts, District of Columbia, 15 December 1848
(12 Nov 2017)
Eleanor Darnall Carroll, 1703-1796
(23 August 2017)
The Bonifay family of Pensacola, Florida
(8 July 2017)
Mariana Pingron Bonifay: will, 1825
(8 July 2017)
Mariana Pingron Bonifay: obituary, 1829
(8 July 2017)
Gravestones of Capt. George Brent, b. ca. 1640, and his wives, Elizabeth Greene Brent and Mary Sewell Brent, in the Brent Cemetery at Aquia, Virginia
(24 May 2017)
Updates of descent reports for John Miller, Joseph Dundas Miller and Charles Edward Miller
(23 Mar 2017)
Photos of Pensacola, Florida, early 1900s - Brent Building, Blount Building, San Carlos Hotel, Palafox Street, Speedwell Chicago Trip 1911
(3 Feb 2017)
Updated descent report for the Ashcroft family of England
(21 Dec 2016)
Marriage of Jarvis Pierce Jr., 1800-1880, and Elewesa Hubbard Gatewood, 1807-1877, 18 November 1845, Gallatin County, Illinois
(30 Oct 2016)
Update of the descent report for Thomas Whitted, Esquire, 1754-1820, of North Carolina
(13 July 2016)
Update of the Aldridge Family Page
(20 June 2016)
Update of Aldridge family brief history
(20 June 2016)
Francis Aldridge, 1764-1845, and Margaret Cole
(20 June 2016)
Elijah Aldridge, 1792-1878, and Jane White, 1795-1884
(20 June 2016)
Will: Francis Aldridge, 1841, Pulaski County, Kentucky
(20 June 2016)
Marriage bond: Francis Aldridge and Margaret Cole, 1789
(20 June 2016)
Gravestone: George W. Phillips, 1804-1888
(25 May 2016)
Update of George W. Phillips, 1804-1888, biographical sketch
(25 May 2016)
James Henry Healy, 1868-1960, and Lucy Gertrude Miller, 1887-1972
(20 Mar 2016)
The Bentall home - The Towers - in Heybridge, Essex, England
(11 Mar 2016)
Maude Miller Bentall, 1861-1958 with two of her young sons
(11 Mar 2016)
Photos of Maude Miller Bentall with her husband, Edmund Ernest Bentall, her children and others
(11 Mar 2016)
More photos of Maude Miller Bentall's family
(11 Mar 2016)
Bridget and Nellie Healy, daughters of Patrick M. Healy and Mary Hope of Ireland and Minnesota
(7 Feb 2016)
Patrick Francis Healy, 1857-1945, son of Patrick M. Healy and Mary Hope, gravestone
(7 Feb 2016)
Peter John Miller, 1917-2014, son of Edwin Swainson Miller and Helen Beatrice Liardet
(23 Dec 2015)
Gravestone: Mary Spurstow Miller, 1756-1832, wife of William Miller, 1751-1826, and mother of Joseph Dundas Miller, 1792-1847, my 3d great grandfather
(14 Dec 2015)
Obituaries: Col. William Jefferson Gatewood, 1888, and his wife, Mary Crosthwaite Gatewood, 1881
(8 Aug 2015)
Notice of engagement: Robert I. Brent and Florence W. Burke, 1920
(5 Aug 2015)
Robert Innocent Brent, 1890-1985, son of F.C. and Mary Ella Shuttleworth Brent of Pensacola
(5 Aug 2015)
Obituary: Florence Burke Brent, 1889-1981, wife of Robert Innocent Brent,
(5 Aug 2015)
Obituary: John B "Jack" Mare, 1886-1967, husband of Mollie Brent Mare
(3 Aug 2015)
Obituary: Catherine Walker Johnson Brent, 1822
(25 July 2015)
Will: Col. William Brent, 1848
(25 July 2015)
Notice of death: Col. William Brent, 1848
(25 July 2015)
Notice of marriage: Howard Bayley & Cora Sponsler, 1890
(25 July 2015)
William Louis Shuttleworth - the man in the locket
(18 July 2015)
Obituary: Merced Gonzalez Brent, 1824-1919, wife of Thomas William Brent
(17 July 2015)
Obituary: Mary "Mollie" Warren Brent, 1877-1941, wife of Thomas William Brent, Jr.
(17 July 2015)
Robert Brent and Ann Carroll of Stafford County, Virginia
(17 July 2015)
The Carroll family of Upper Marlboro, Maryland
(14 July 2015)
Descent report for Daniel Carroll, son of Keane Carroll of Ireland
(14 July 2015)
Daniel Carroll II, 1730-1796, son of Daniel Carroll and Anne Digges, signer of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution
(14 July 2015)
William Jefferson "Jeff" Gatewood, 1830-1888, of Illinois and California, son of William Jefferson Gatewood and Elewisa Hubbard
(14 June 2015)
Hubbard and Gatewood ancestors of Virginia, Kentucky and Illinois
(21 May 2015)
Obituary: William Jefferson Gatewood, 1801-1842, Springfield, Illinois
(21 May 2015)
Descendants of William Hubbard and Elizabeth Boatman of Lancaster County, Virginia
(21 May 2015)
Descendants of John and Catherine Gatewood of Virginia
(21 May 2015)
Thomas Whitted, Esq.: Probate Papers, 1820, Orange County, North Carolina
(2 Apr 2015)
Court order binding Jonathan Whitted, age 4, to Isaac Sugars, 1806, North Carolina
(29 Mar 2015)
Civil War sword of Zephaniah Phillips, 1837-1903
(20 Mar 2015)
Marriage license & certificate: Cora G. Whitted and Charles C. Clinton, 1919
(13 Feb 2015)
Gravestone: Robert Brent, 1763-1819, first mayor of Washington D.C.
(29 Jan 2015)
Gravestone: Robert Young Brent, 1789-1855, and his wife Harriet Cottringer Brent, ca. 1801-1865
(29 Jan 2015)
Gravestone: Caroline Brent, 1837-1889, daughter of Robert Young Brent and Harriet Cottringer
(29 Jan 2015)
Gravestone: George Brent, 1829-1899, son of William Brent and Elizabeth Neale
(29 Jan 2015)
Gravestone: Mary Virginia Chilton, 1859-1938, daughter of Robert S. Chilton and Mary Virginia Brent
(29 Jan 2015)
Gravestone: Clementina Brent, 1836-1883, Emily Brent, 1838-1890, and Julia Brent, 1862-1885
(29 Jan 2015)
Update on the burials of Daniel Carroll Brent, ca. 1770-1841, and Elizabeth Carroll Brent, d. 1846, in the P?re Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.
(29 Jan 2015)
Marriage notice: William Brent & Catherine Walker Johnson, 1805, Washington D.C.
(21 Jan 2015)
John Spurstow & Elizabeth Illidge, parents of George Spurstow, 1717-1770, apothecary
(16 Jan 2015)
John Spurstow & Elizabeth Illidge, Marriage allegation bond, 1716, Bunbury, Cheshire
(16 Jan 2015)
Will: Dorothy Spurstow Tomlinson, 1820, Cheshire, England
(16 Jan 2015)
Picture of James Henry Healy, 1868-1960, celebrating his birthday with some of his grandchildren gathered around him, ca. 1949, Mahtomedi, Minnesota. James Henry Healy is the grandfather of Anne Healy Field, author of the webpage.