Albert Whitted holding his daughter,
Catherine Eugenia "Jean."


Albert Whitted holding his daughter, Jean. Picture taken about 1920-21 at the Brent home in Pensacola, Florida.

Frances Louise Brent Whitted holding her daughter, Jean. Vrach, the dog, on the left. St. Petersburg, Florida, 1920.

L-R, back: Albert Whitted, Frances Brent Whitted, Celestino "Tino" Brent holding Jean Whitted. L-R, front: Molly Brent Mare, and Belle Brent on the porch of the Brent family home, Pensacola, Florida.

Albert Whitted, middle row, second from left, with his flight school group, 1918.

Anne Healy's Genealogy
Created October 2002
Revised 28 Jan 2009