He Had Been a Redemptorist for Twenty-Five Years
Brother Robert, one of the members of the Redemptorist community, at Rock church, died yesterday morning at the home of the fathers, at 7 o'clock. Brother Robert was 53 years old and previous to his entrance to the Redemptorist order, some twenty-five years ago, was known in the world as William Brent. He was born and reared in Pensacola, Fla., where the surviving members of his family still reside, well known and prominent in both the social and business world.
The greater portion of Brother Robert's life in the order was spent in New Orleans and Detroit, where he rendered great service to the church. For the last year and a half he has been located with the fathers of Rock Church in this city.
For months back he suffered from heart trouble, but the real collapse only came about a month ago, since which time he sank gradually till death claimed him yesterday morning.
This evening at 8 o'clock the fathers of Rock Church will recite the office and prayers for the dead over his body, and on Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock requiem mass will be offered for him, after which the body will be taken for burial to the Redemptorist College and novitiate at Kirkwood, Mo.
The obituary appeared in the St. Louis Republic, 16 October 1899, St. Louis, Missouri.
William Thomas Brent was born 23 December 1846 and died 15 October 1899, the son of Thomas William Brent and Merced Gonzalez and the brother of Francis Celestino Brent. The obituary notes that he spent twenty-five years in the Redemptorist Congregation, but information on his life, provided by them, says that he was admitted as a postulant in New Orleans in 1883. He is listed with his family in Pensacola, Florida, in the 1880 census. He was known as Brother Robert in the Redemptorist Congregation and on his tombstone he is listed as Brother Robert.
William Thomas Brent was buried in the cemetery in Kirkwood where the Redemptorist Congregation lived in St. Louis, Missouri. When they moved to their new home in Liguori, just south of St. Louis, in Jefferson County, the bodies of those buried in Kirkwood were reinterred in Liguori.
St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church, known as "The Rock" because it was built with limestone, is in mid-town St. Louis and is still run by the Redemptorist fathers.
A copy of his obituary was provided by the Redeptorists.
Related Links:
Prayer Card of William Thomas Brent (Brother Robert)
Gravestone of William Thomas Brent (Brother Robert)
Children of Thomas William Brent and Merced Gonzalez
Thomas William Brent and Merced Gonzalez
Frances Celestino Brent
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