Mike and Jeanie Faulk Adams |
Mike is a surgeon in Fresno. Mike and Jeanie have bought and totally renovated the Mono Inn on Mono Lake. It has a gift shop and a restaurant. |
late 50s |
Tom Alcock |
Tom lives in Ahwahnee CA. |
Susan Arbuckle |
Susan is retired and living in Toronto, Canada. |
late 50s early 60s |
Adele Bissett Hansen (x-Bartholomew) |
Adele lives near Raymond, California. Adele has retired from teaching. She has two daughters. |
early to mid 60s |
Blithe Balvert |
Blithe lives in Merced CA. |
Andy Barlak |
For the last 32 years Andy has lived in Sointula, BC, Canada.
Making his living as an electrician. Andy has two grown children.
Andy was the night watchman in 1965 and 1966. |
Steve Berry |
I work for Del Monte Foods in San Francisco, as Mgr. of Supply Chain Planning for our Fruit business. My bride of almost 33 years works for Genentech in South San Francisco. Our son lives in Lake Wildwood and teaches emotionally disturbed teenage boys at a private ranch in Nevada City. Our daughter teaches at a day care program at a private school in Walnut Creek. Instead of hiking and climbing, I am now an avid cyclist, riding up to 200 miles in one day. We visit Yosemite as often as possible, and have a Yosemite license plate that reads: YNPLVRS |
64 and 65 |
Carolyn Booth |
| Carolyn is living in San Diego CA. |
late 50's early 60s |
John and Nancy Stancoff Brickell |
John and Nancy live in East Olympia WA. John has a PhD. in mathematics and has taught at various universities in the Midwest for many years. He is now working as a statistician for the teacher's union in Olympia. Nancy is a Speech Pathologist for a local school district. They have three children. |
late 50s early 60s |
Cathy Carr Burrows |
Cathy and her family live in Green Bay WI. |
late 50s early 60s |
Randy Bytwerk |
Randy is a professor of communications at Calvin College in Grand Rapids MI. He has just returned from a month working on the north island of New Zealand. This is the link to his web page
Randall Bytwerk's Home Page
'72, '73 and '74 |
Jim and Dana Dee Ponte Carragher |

Jim and DanaDee (Ponte) Carragher are retired from the State Department and have moved to Midlothian, Virginia, after spending many years in Manhattan. They have two daughters and a son, and five grandchildren. They spend several weeks every year in Murphys, California. Jim is a big Giants fan. |
mid 60s to early 70s |
Gary Colliver |
Gary lives in El Portal CA. |
mid 60s |
Harry Cozad |
Harry & Kristin live in La Selva Beach CA, near Santa Cruz. |
mid 60s |
Marge Curtsinger |
Marge lives in Van Nuys CA. |
Peggy Proctor Dean |
Peggy lives in Ketchum, ID. |
early 60s |
Tim Durbin |
Tim lives in Sacramento CA. |
mid 60s |
Laura Eaton |
Laura lives in Santa Paula CA. |
Kathy Emery |
Kathy lives in Santa Rosa CA. |
mid 60s |
Chuck Ernst |
Chuck lives in Arcadia CA. |
Heidi Campbell Estys |
Heidi lives in Fresno CA. |
early 60s |
Laurie Scott Evison |
Laurie lives at South Lake Tahoe. |
Shannon Brickell Fenton |
Shannon is living with her two daughters in Anchorage AK. Shannon is a teacher. She and Nick lived in the bush of Alaska and taught there for several years. Nick died in the fall of 2001. |
mid 60s |
Anne Healy Field |
Anne lives in Atwater CA. Anne has retired as the district librarian for the Atwater elementary school district. She travels, works on genealogy and is active in the Merced Genealogy Society, AAUW Merced and a hiking group. |
64-67, 71 |
Gene Field |
Gene was living in Patterson CA until his death in January 2013. He taught biology at Patterson High School for 33 years. Gene retired in May 2004 and then taught Adult Education and Biology for Modesto Junior College. Gene and Anne have two children, Lucie and Victor. Gene's principal activities besides teaching were traveling, photography and genealogy. He has been to several south Pacific islands, New Zealand and Brazil. He and his daugher, Lucie, traveled to Europe where they visited exchange students that had lived in Patterson. He spent the summer of 2001 with his friend Matt in Australia. Most of the traveling in Australia was done in the center and far north outback. He and Lucie revisited Australia in July 2008. |
59-67, 71, 88 & 89 |
Robin Freeman |
Robin and his wife Robin live in Oakland CA. They have one daughter. |
mid 60s |
Ken Gobalet |
Ken has retired from teaching at Cal State Bakersfield. He and Kay now live in San Francisco.
mid 60s early 70s |
Chris Kinnison and Andy Gray |

Chris and Andy live in San Jose. |
late 60s early 70s |
Doug Gray |
Doug lives in Los Angeles CA. |
mid 60s early 70s |
George Gray |
George lives in Aptos CA. He hosted the last TML reunion in 1997. George works for the California State Parks Department. |
late 60s early 70s |
Ron Guest |
Hi! My name is Ron Guest. I cooked and managed at the TM Grill in the late sixties. I now live in Victoria, B.C., Canada, I am married with three young children, teach school and miss one of the the most wonderful spots on Earth, Tuolumne in the Summer. Hope to hear from someone who worked with me at Toulumne - I saw some names I believe I remember! Thanks!
1965-1969 |
Diane Dyer Harmon |
Diane and Don live in Oakland CA. |
late 50s |
Gene Hempel |
late 50s into the 60s |
Susie Hoeffer |
Susie lives in Healdsburg CA. |
early 60s |
Susan McGuigan Honeycutt |
Susan is living in Lebanon, Oregon |
'58, '59 at TML, '60 at Camp Curry |
Rod Hughes |
Rod and Criss Hughes live in Orinda CA. |
mid 60s |
Sue Irving |
Sue lives in San Andreas CA. |
Rick Jones |
Rick lives in Crystal Bay NV. |
Martha Keenan |
Martha lives in Houston TX. |
Colin Kennedy |
Colin lives in Mill Valley CA. |
late 60s |
Bruce and Connie Kinnison |
Bruce and Connie live in Santa Rosa CA. Bruce is an attorney and works as a Public Defender. |
mid 60s early 70s |
Paul and Sharon (Goodman) Kinnison |

Paul and Sharon live on Scotland Island, New South Wales, Australia. They have two sons. |
late 60s early 70s |
Annie Kinsella |
early 60s |
Chuck Kollerer |
| Chuck is living in Bend, Oregon, where he can ski in the winter and ride his motorcycle in the summers into the Sierras, the Rockies, or over to the Pacific Coast. |
mid 60s |
John Lautsch |
John lives in Orange CA. |
Craig Lehman |
Craig and Jodi Lehman live in Fresno CA. |
mid 60s to early 70s |
Carol Ruedy Linder |
Carol and Gene live in Salt Lake City UT. Carol taught Spanish at the University of Wisconson. She has also taught in a private high school in Salt Lake City. Gene is retired. Carol often returns to TML with her daughter, Kristin, for several days of hiking. They have three chidren. |
late 50s and early 60s |
Rick Lohsen |
Rick lives in Los Alamos NM. |
Anne Macquarie |
Anne lives in Carson City NV. |
Ann Meneguzzi |
Ann retired in 2014 after 35 years as a ranger with the California State Parks system and is now living in the Stockton area. |
late 60s to early 70s |
Martha Miller |
Martha works at TML during the summer and at the Ahwanee in the fall and winter. Martha travels extensively. She is very involved with her horses and frequently attends horse races. |
for a while |
Allen Moe |
Allen lives in La Conner WA. |
late 60s |
Edy Flemming Moore |
Edy lives in Palo Alto. She lived for several years in Australia. She has one son. |
mid 60s |
Janet Morris |
Janet lives in Davis CA. She retired from teaching and is very much enjoying life. Janet and her sister, Margie, have made several trips to various places in the U.S. |
early 60s |
Laurie Munson Boyers |
Laurie lives near Yosemite. |
Michael Niday |
Michael lives in Sola, Norway. |
Bonie Nishkin |
Bonnie lives in Oakland CA. |
early 60s |
Margie Horowitz Oman |
Margie died in 2010 in Israel |
mid 60s |
Sue Otonello |
Sue lives in Olema CA. |
Barry Parker |
Barry lives in Davis CA. |
Stan Peterson |
Stan lives in Wawona,Yosemite CA. |
60s |
Carol Otonello Ponte |
Carol lives in Oregon and is married to Rick Ponte. |
1971 |
Rick Ponte |
Rick lives in Merlin, Oregon, and is married to Carol Otonello. Rick was the Tuolumne Meadows Stable Manager. |
Linda Ramsey-Smith |
Ellis Richard |
Ellis is living in Phoenix, Arizona |
late 60s early 70s |
Diane Faulk Riise |
Diane and Ernie live in Atwater CA. Diane is retired from teaching. They have two sons. |
early 60's |
Mary Ann Robinson |
Mary Ann lives in Sacramento where she works in a college library. |
Nancy Robinson |
Nancy retired in 2014 but still works part time at San Francisco State University in the Special Education & Communicative Disorders Department. She has one daughter. Small world fact: Nancy and Lucie Field knew each other as colleagues at SFSU but did not know then that they had a TML connection. |
Ken Romie |
Ken lives in Lafayette CA. |
Paula Romie |
Paula lives in Palos Verdes CA. |
Kadean Harlan Rowan |
Kadeane lives in Alameda CA. |
Paul and Alice Ryan |
Paul and Alice lived for a long time in Mombasa Kenya, East Africa. |
early 60's |
Dick Shields & Bess |
Dick and Bess have sold their rock shop in Texas and, in late 2014, are moving to Oakhurst, California. They will run their online rock store from there - http://store.rmsgraphics.net/. |
Elliott Smith |
Elliott died of injuries resulting from a skiing accident, May 6, 2006 -- Obituary for Elliott |
early 60's |
Rick Smith |
Bev Squalia |
Bev lives in Mountain View CA. |
Audrey Jung Stoye and Don |
Audrey lives in Roseville CA. Don is retired and they volunteer as docents at an Antique Farm Equipment Museum in Woodland CA. Audrey has been active in the Audubon Society for many years. She has traveled the world extensively in her search for birds. |
early 60's |
Chris Szecsey |
Chris is a consultant, trainer, facilitator, & technical advisor at Christophers Consulting - www.christophersconsulting.com. He and Mary live in Occidental, CA |
late 60's |
Bill Taylor |
Bill lives in Renton WA. |
late 60's |
Gary Thatcher |
Gary and his wife Janet live in Davis CA. |
mid 60's |
Lynn Wolfe |
early 60's |
Sue Wolfe |
Sue lives in Olema CA. |
Bill Worthington |
Bill lives in Tehachapi CA. |
late 60's |
Kim Wyatt |
Tom Yang |
Tom lives in Los Angeles CA. |
1980 |
Alan Zetterberg |
Alan lives in Princeton NJ. |
late 60's |
Charles Zetterberg |
Charles lives in Clarement CA |
early 60's |
Del Zetterberg |
Del has lived in Plains, Montana, since 1979. She currently works as a school nurse. In the summer she works as a nurse at a summer camp.
early 70's |
Pierre Zetterberg |
Pierre lives in San Francisco CA. |
late 60's |
Darcy Zimmerman |
Darcy lives in foothills of the Sierras. She is a 6th grade teacher. She is very active in rescuing dogs and adopting them out to good homes. |
the 80's |