Tuolumne Meadows Lodge
"The Vintage Years"

The idea for this web site originated with Ellis Richard after the 1997 Tuolumne reunion at George Gray's home in Santa Cruz. There is a special bond between those of us who worked at TML during the "Vintage Years" from the late ‘50s to the early ‘70s. Many of us keep in touch and we all enjoy hearing news about each other. We thought of starting a TML news letter and also a web site. This web site was created to help us continue to keep in contact.

The one person that is our mutual contact and is very special to all of us is Martha. We can always find her and many of us communicate with her often and thus the title of the webpage, Martha's many... Martha's many friends, employees, contacts and years at Tuolumne Meadows Lodge.

We would like to make contact with as many people of the "Vintage Years" as possible. Each of us communicates with different people from our TML days. I would appreciated hearing from any of you that see this page. Please give me corrections, and additions to the address list. I would also like to know what everyone is doing and the dates people worked at TML. I think people would find it interesting to have a brief update on everyone.

I have just added several pages of photos. They take a bit of time to download but you might enjoy them.

Gene Field, March 15, 2001

Martha at TML early in the summer of 1988.

Addresses of Martha's many...

Tuolumne Photo Gallery

Tuolumne People Photo Gallery

Santa Cruz & Lee Vining Canyon Reunion Photos

Sentinel Articles from the 1960s

Contact: tml@annefield.net

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